

Section: New Results

Petri Net Analyses of Biochemical Networks using Constraint Logic Programming

Participants : François Fages, Thierry Martinez, Faten Nabli, Sylvain Soliman.

Petri nets are a simple formalism for modeling concurrent computation. Recently, they have emerged as a promising tool for modeling and analyzing biochemical interaction networks, bridging the gap between purely qualitative and quantitative models. Biological networks can indeed be large and complex, which makes their study difficult and computationally challenging.

In [10] , we focus on two structural properties of Petri nets, siphons and traps, that bring us information about the persistence of some molecular species. We present a Boolean model and two constraint-based methods for enumerating all minimal siphons and traps of a Petri net, by iterating the resolution of Boolean satisfiability problems executed with either a SAT solver or a CLP(B) program. We compare the performances of these methods with respect to a state-of-the-art algorithm from the Petri net community. On a benchmark with 80 Petri nets from the Petriweb database and 403 Petri nets from curated biological models of the Biomodels database, we show that miniSAT and CLP(B) solvers are overall both faster by two orders of magnitude with respect to the dedicated algorithm. Furthermore, we analyse why these programs perform so well on even very large biological models and show a polynomial time complexity result for Petri nets of fixed treewidth, using a similar theorem for constraint satisfaction problems with bounded treewidth constraint graphs.

In [5] we present a method to compute the minimal semi-positive invariants of a Petri net representing a biological reaction system, as resolution of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem. This analysis brings both qualitative and quantitative information on the models, in the form of conservation laws, consistency checking, etc. thanks to finite domain constraint programming. It is noticeable that some of the most recent optimizations of standard invariant computation techniques in Petri nets correspond to well-known techniques in constraint solving, like symmetry-breaking. A simple implementation based on GNU-Prolog's finite domain solver, and including symmetry detection and breaking, was incorporated into the BIOCHAM modelling environment and in the independent tool Nicotine. Some illustrative examples and benchmarks are provided.